Welcome to DAPIC 2025: 2025 International Conference on Digital Analysis and Processing, Intelligent Computation will take place on February 26-28, 2025 in Incheon city of South Korea.
The conference is an international forum which aims to bring together leading academician, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences about hard-earned technological advancements in digital analysis and processing, intelligent computation fields. It will also provide an interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of digital analysis and processing, intelligent computation such as protecting and preventing computing, high performance computing, service-oriented computing, multi-agent based computing, cluster computing and performance, pattern recognition / computer vision, natural language processing / robust processing, speech recognition and processing, etc.
We invite all leading researchers, engineers and scientists in the domain of interest from across the world to submit their original research articles. On behalf of the Organizing Committee (OC), We welcomes you all to submit your research papers at DAPIC 2025 and share yours valuable experiences with the research community. With so many exciting and interesting developments in the fields of digital analysis and processing, intelligent computation today, our hope is that DAPIC 2025 draws insights and encourages collaboration from many disciplines and backgrounds, and makes a difference in the world through the sharing of innovative ideas.
The idea of the conference is to bring the scholars, scientists, industrialists from all over the world on a common platform with the following objectives:
To get acquaintance with recent trends in the domains of digital analysis and processing, intelligent computation.
To elevate and broadcast the cognizance about imminent research topics, issues, challenges, and solutions.
Life Long Learning from various applications, novel approaches, algorithms and variety of case studies.
To nurture the culture of innovative research and development among academia and industries.
Better insights into the use of contemporary technologies through diverse presentations and discussion sessions
Give participants a review of the latest and upcoming trends in the next few years.
Provide an opportunity to the delegates to share their new ideas and the application experiences face to face.
● Full Paper Submission: Publication and Presentation |
● Submission Deadline: September 15, 2024 |
● Abstract Submission: Presentation ONLY |
● Notification Due: December 13, 2024 |
● Submit via Online Submission System |
● Registration Deadline: December 31, 2024 |
DAPIC 2025 is committed to publishing high-quality scientific research. Each manuscript submitted to us undergoes a double-blind review process conducted by at least two expert reviewers, who may be volunteer reviewers, members of our reviewer board, or suggested by the authors during the submission. These reviewers are integral in evaluating the manuscript's quality and offering recommendations on its suitability for publication.
Full Papers are evaluated against the following criteria:
1. Evaluate the clarity, relevance, and structure of the manuscript.
2. Assess the recency and relevance of the cited references, and look for an excessive number of self-citations.
3. Review the scientific soundness and the appropriateness of the experimental design.
4. Evaluate the reproducibility of the results based on the methods section.
5. Assess the figures/tables for appropriateness and interpretability. Comment on the statistical analysis or specific data.
6. Ensure the conclusions are consistent with the evidence and arguments presented.
7. Evaluate the ethics and data availability statements.
Ethical considerations are vital when conducting a review, and it is crucial to be aware of potential issues. Should you encounter any of the following situations, we advise contacting the conference's secretary immediately.
1. Potential Conflicts of Interest
We urge reviewers to disclose any potential conflicts of interest and communicate with conference's secretary if there's uncertainty about what may constitute a conflict. Conflicts of interest might include but are not limited to:
(1) Affiliation: Reviewers working at the same institution as any of the authors.
(2) Academic Connection: Any academic interaction with the authors in the past three years, including co-authoring, collaboration, or joint grant holding.
(3) Personal Relationship: Any close personal relationship, rivalry, or antipathy with any of the authors.
(4) Financial Interest: Potential financial gain or loss from the publication of the manuscript.
(5) Non-financial Conflicts: Other non-financial conflicts of interest (political, personal, religious, ideological, academic, intellectual, commercial or any other) with any of the authors.
2. Declaration of Confidentiality
DAPIC 2025 operates a rigorous peer review process that requires reviewers to uphold strict confidentiality. Until the manuscript is published, the content, including the abstract, should remain confidential. Reviewers should avoid revealing their identities to the authors, either through their comments or metadata in reports submitted in Microsoft Word or PDF format.
Reviewers may consult with colleagues from their research group given the confidentiality of the manuscript is upheld. If a reviewer wishes to involve a colleague in the review process, they must first inform the conference's secretary.
If reviewers wish to disclose their identities, they can choose to do so by signing the review report. However, in all other instances, review reports are deemed confidential and will only be disclosed with the explicit permission of the reviewer.
We urge all our reviewers to respect the confidentiality of the review process and treat manuscripts as confidential documents. It is against our policy to disclose any aspect of the review process or the manuscript to anyone who is not directly involved.
3. Duplicate Publication or Submission
If you suspect the manuscript has been previously published or concurrently submitted to another conference, please report this. Authors are obligated to disclose any prior publication or submission of their work for the conference secretary's consideration, and proper attribution should be given if applicable.
4. Plagiarism
DAPIC 2025 takes instances of copyright infringement, plagiarism, or any other breaches of publication best practices very seriously. We strive to protect our authors' rights and always investigate claims of plagiarism or misuse of published works. Furthermore, we seek to maintain the reputation of our conference against any form of malpractice.
Submitted papers to the conference will be subjected to the rigorous peer-review process. All papers selected by DAPIC 2025 will be solicited for oral presentation. For authors who cannot attend the conference in person, presentation through posters or virtually can be considered. All accepted and presented papers will be published in conference proceedings.