
Submission Types:

Abstract (For Presentation Only) ◙ Template
  • Abstracts of completed paper, extended abstract or proposed research in any of the topic areas listed or related areas. The abstract for proposed research should include the research objectives, proposed methodology, and a discussion of expected outcomes. It should not have more than 600 words.
  • Full Paper (For Publication & Presentation) ◙ Template
  • Completed research papers or incomplete research or ideas for future research in order to generate discussion in any of the topic areas listed or related areas. Completed research work/project or work-in-progress report/proposal: A total of 8 pages for a paper including all figures, tables, and references.
  • Submission Steps:

    • Click online submission system link
    • Enter email address and password to log in iconf system (Click "Create an account" for new user)
    • Fill all the the necessary information in "Paper info" form, upload abstract/paper file(.DOC or .PDF), and then click "Submit" button
    • A confirmation letter will be sent to you to inform paper ID and review process within 5 working days.

    Publication Ethics: Plagiarism is strictly forbidden

    Ethical conduct is the most essential virtual of any academic. Any act of plagiarism is a totally unacceptable academic misconduct and cannot be tolerated. So all submitted manuscripts should be original, unpublished, experimental and theoretical. If an author is found to commit an act of plagiarism, the following acts of sanction will be taken if the author is found to commit an act of plagiarism:
    I. The authors' supervisor(s) and affiliated institution(s)/Universities will be informed about their/his/her act of plagiarism
    II. The article will be rejected or be deleted from the final publications.
    III. The authors' act of plagiarism will be reported to the appropriate overseeing office of academic ethics and research funding agency.

    Full Paper Review Process

    DAPIC 2025 is committed to publishing high-quality scientific research. Each manuscript submitted to us undergoes a double-blind review process conducted by at least two expert reviewers, who may be volunteer reviewers, members of our reviewer board, or suggested by the authors during the submission. These reviewers are integral in evaluating the manuscript's quality and offering recommendations on its suitability for publication.
    Full Papers are evaluated against the following criteria:
    1. Evaluate the clarity, relevance, and structure of the manuscript.
    2. Assess the recency and relevance of the cited references, and look for an excessive number of self-citations.
    3. Review the scientific soundness and the appropriateness of the experimental design.
    4. Evaluate the reproducibility of the results based on the methods section.
    5. Assess the figures/tables for appropriateness and interpretability. Comment on the statistical analysis or specific data.
    6. Ensure the conclusions are consistent with the evidence and arguments presented.
    7. Evaluate the ethics and data availability statements.

    Notification of Acceptance or Rejection

    Full Paper authors are usually informed of acceptance or rejection within four weeks of full papers submission. Accepted authors will receive an email notifying them of the results, as well as an official letter of acceptance and review form as PDFs.
    Abstract authors are usually informed of acceptance or rejection within two or three weeks of abstract submission. Accepted authors will receive an email notifying them of the results, as well as an official letter of acceptance as a PDF.